Exploring Heat Transfer with a MEL Science Kit

My kids were so excited to try out another MEL Science kit. In the Heat Transfer set we completed activities that taught us about heat. Through the use of a thermochromic screen included in the science kit we were able to actually see heating and cooling. 

This was a very engaging set that kept the kids busy long after the original activities were completed. Read on to learn more about our experience this physics set from MEL Science and for an exclusive promo code!

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Heat Transfer Physics Kit from MEL Science

The Heat Transfer kit from MEL Science includes everything you need to complete three physics activities. We were able to make heat visible in the "heat trace" activity, explored evaporative cooling, held a thermal race. 

Directions for each activity are in the kit, and you can also follow animated step-by-step instructions on the free MEL Science app. 

Sample Activity MEL Science Heat Transfer Physics Kit

MEL Science app sample screenshot Heat Transfer Kit

This kit is intended for ages 8 and up. As I was doing the experiments with my kids, my 8-year-old and her 5-year-old sister worked easily and safely together. Although the younger one didn't grasp as much of the science, they both found these activities engaging and fun. 

Making Heat Visible

The activities in the Heat Transfer physics kit make use of a thermochromic screen. Thermochromic means a substance that changes color as it changes temperature. 

thermochromic screen MEL science heat transfer physics kit

Thermochromic pigments and liquid crystals are used in familiar items such as color-changing mood rings, forehead thermometers, or if you grew up in the late 80's and early 90's like me, those popular Hypercolor shirts! (If you are looking to share a little nostalgia with your kids, you can still get heat-sensitive color changing shirts here.)

The thermochromic screen makes an excellent tool for allowing students to see heat in action. You can see how heat transfer through conduction works if you press your hand on the screen for a few seconds. You can also see how warm your breath is if you breathe on it through a straw. This particular screen changed color in a temperature range of 75-93 degrees F. 

experimenting with thermochromic screen MEL science kit

how warm is your hand MEL science heat transfer physics kit

Evaporative Cooling

Another way heat is transferred is through evaporative cooling. This is when temperature is reduced due to moisture evaporating and removing heat from a surface. When we sweat we cool down due to evaporative cooling.

We once again experimented with the color changing screen. It was neat to see the heat dissipate as the water from a paintbrush evaporated. My daughter explored painting with water on the thermochromic screen for quite a while. 

Evaporative cooling MEL science heat transfer kit

Heat Conduction: A Thermal Race

Lastly we experimented with two different metals to see which would be a better conductor of heat. It's so cool to be able to see the temperature change! 

heat conduction race MEL Science physics kit

heat conduction race MEL Science physics kit

Heat Transfer Kit

The Heat Transfer Physics Kit from MEL Science got a big thumbs up at our household. My kids also really enjoyed building a music box while studying sound waves with a MEL Science STEM Kit. You can read our review of the Sound Waves kit here. 

MEL Science also offers subscription plans and bulk prices for schools and other groups. You can learn more about school and bulk ordering here.

If you'd like to try out MEL Science kits in your home or school, use our promo code: SHAREITSCIENCE for 50% off your first box. 

Thermochromic Fun

The thermochromic screen in our kit has really been put through its paces, but I'm sure it will be played with more before it is worn out. When the time comes, we would be excited to order this heat sensitive color-changing sheet. It's bigger too, so many possibilities!

If you are looking for another heat transfer project with thermochromic pigment, try this project about ectotherms (cold-blooded) and endotherms (warm-blooded) creatures!