National Chemistry Week 2015: Chemistry Colors our World

It's National Chemistry Week!  The 2015 theme for National Chemistry Week (NCW) is "Chemistry Colors Our World". There are so many great science activities that relate to this theme. How does one pare it down to something manageable during NCW? We've attempted to do that for you right here. You'll find tons of color activities, general chemistry links and recommended chemistry apps below. Read on chemists young and old!

Looking for some kid-friendly information and activities to get you started? Refer to the American Chemical Society's publication for NCW: Celebrating Chemistry.

What is color anyway? This is really more of a physics question, but it is a good place to begin before delving into color chemistry! This is a great explanatory video from Physics Girl. [This video was the 2014 winner of the Flame Challenge, a competition for scientists to answer questions understandably for kids. (btw: My sciences classes at Pine Cobble School voted for you Physics Girl!)]

So where do we see color in chemistry? Lots of places! Pigments, food coloring, pH indicators, fireworks, etc. You can find color chemistry right here on Share it! Science News. Check out these posts:

Leaf Pigments. ©SBF 2015

Or maybe one of these color chemistry activities sounds like fun:
Add color to Steve Spangler's kid-friendly version of Elephant's Toothpaste

Try Science Bob's Rapid Color Changing Chemistry Experiment with materials you can readily purchase at the grocery store.

Or visit the Growing with Science blog's Chemistry Week page for several other fun chemistry lessons and activities!

Don't forget to practice and encourage safety! Here is some kid's safety equipment for kitchen science experiments. (affiliate links)

[Please note: take the appropriate safety precautions when working in an actual laboratory setting!]

Looking for more chemistry resources? Check out the links and apps below! Happy National Chemistry Week! 

Chemistry Links: 
Free Chemistry Apps

Explore chemistry with these great books! (affiliate links)


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