Happy Earth Day! Although I do truly believe that we
should be practicing Earth friendly behavior each and every day, it
is nice to do something special once a year to celebrate our home
This DIY recycled seed paper project combines two Earth friendly ideas: recycling and growing plants! With this tutorial you will make recycled paper infused with flower seeds. This seed paper can be "planted" right in the garden and will sprout. The paper can be also cut into fun shapes and given as gifts.
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Make the Earth Beautiful like Miss Rumphius!
Many of you are probably familiar with the classic picture
Miss Rumphius by Babara Cooney. For those of you who are not, it
tells the sweet tale of an adventurous woman who had three missions
in life: to go to faraway places, grow old by the sea and, most
importantly, make the world more beautiful.
Miss Rumphius accomplishes
all that she sets out to do and her greatest mission is beautifying
the world by spreading lupine seeds. If only each of us did one small
thing to make the Earth more beautiful, can you imagine what the
planet would be like?
This story is a great launching point
for all sorts of Earth Day projects including making your own seed
paper. This paper, with seeds woven into it, can be planted in pots
or gardens and makes a lovely gift. (Mother's Day is just around the
corner folks!)
Make Recycled Seed Paper
If you have made recycled paper with
your children or students you will find that the process is
practically identical. First you'll need to shred some paper. Kids
love doing this by hand or you can use paper from an electric
shredder. This is a great way to recycle that junk mail!
Shred some paper |
Once the paper is shredded, soak it in
water for a while, an hour will do, but if you have the luxury of
leaving it overnight it will become quite soft. Students can then
tear and mush the paper into smaller pieces.
Soak the paper |
Put some of the
saturated paper in the blender with water to cover. Doing a cup at a
time on the "chop" setting does a nice job of making the
slurry, or "paper milkshake" that you'll need.
Make the paper slurry |
Time to mix
in the seeds. I have chosen to use
marigold seeds because they are
nice and flat and I have a lot of them that I saved from flowers last
Marigold seeds |
You can use just about any type of small flat seed in your
paper. Mixing and matching can be a nice surprise once the paper is
planted. Mix the
seeds into the slurry, making sure you can see them
throughout the mush. Now to make the paper!
Mix in the seeds |
You can go about the next step in one
of several ways depending on the space you are working in. The paper
slurry needs to be spread out flat on a screen. You can use an old
window screen, or you can make your own screens by stapling
picture frames like we did. Paper making kits like
this one, that include similar screens are also available for purchase.
We chose to fill the screens outside
as it was nice and sunny. We scooped the slurry onto the screen and
flatten it as we went. This allowed the excess water to run off quite
easily without making a mess inside. The indoor alternative is to
squeeze the water out of the slurry with your hands over a sink or
container and then pat it down flat on the screening. As long as you
have basins or a sink and some newspaper it really is not a huge mess
indoors either. The paper needs to be pushed down flat and thin in
the screen.
Cover with a thin layer of the recycled paper mixture |
The seeds are mixed throughout |
A chipmunk came to check out our paper while it was on the deck and left some muddy tracks! |
Once the paper is in the screen you'll
have to wait a day or two for it to dry thoroughly. Once it is dry
you can pull it off the screen and cut into whatever shape you'd
The finished product |
Add a cute tag and you've got a lovely Earth Day, Mother's Day,
or Spring gift. The papers can be planted in the ground, planters or
pots. Place them just under the soil, keep moist and you are one step
closer to making the world a more beautiful place!!
A nice gift! |
How are you celebrating Earth Day?
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